So you thought of this great domain name for your website and checked for its availability and wonderful news it’s available! Now it’s time to register it before someone else takes it. Afterall it’s a great domain name and you never know what may happen.
But just one thing, you also want to get the best price for your domain registration, so you open the major domain registrar websites you know and choose the one offering the lowest price and that’s it, the choice is made.
But was that really the best deal? What many of us don’t know and especially people who are registering a domain name for the first time or people who have never held a domain name for more than a year is that the registration price and the renewal price are not the same and if you don’t consider both when choosing your registrar, what you think is the cheapest choice may turn out to be the most expensive one…
Here are a few domain registrars and their registration & renewal prices today:

The problem is that some registrars don’t show their renewal prices until after you try to renew your already registered domain name with them which makes finding the lowest price difficult. That’s why we at show all prices for all our services, both registration and renewal.
So to put it shortly, always check both the registration and renewal prices in order to find which registrar is really offering the lowest price.
If you’ve got any queries for us, or if you’d like us to share more tips, please let us know in the comments section below!